Saturday, December 24, 2005

STAGGERFORD -- Jon Hassler

Ballentine Books -- pb
New York -- ©1974 -- 294pp
ISBN: 0-345-33375-6

Life in rural Minnesota is explored for one week, focusing on the events happening to one high school English teacher.

I really enjoyed reading this novel, it had a sense of Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegon. If it never achieved the status of Lake Wobegon mythos, it's because the writing is just slightly uneven -- enough to prevent it from reaching best-seller status.

It's also quite possible that I enjoyed this more because I live in a small town, not un-like Staggerford, and was able to identify each of the characters, whereas someone who can not relate might not enjoy this book quite as much.

Still, I highly recommend this book.

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