Virginia Beach/Norfolk -- (c)1982 -- 183pp
Illustrations: Stephen Fabian
Autographed: Darrell Schweitzer
An evil witch switches her son and the heir to a throne at birth. The witch's son grows up not understanding why he is capable of performing magic, but ultimately must face the witch in a showdown which could destroy the entire world.
There was a time when I really would have enjoyed a book such as this. But that time has passed for me, I think. I looked forward to this when I started it, but soon looked forward to being done with it.
I never felt truly connected to any of the characters, and when that happens one begins to wonder, "So what?" It didn't help any that I never felt comfortable with any of the character names and even to the end of the book I had some confusion as to which names belonged to male characters and which to female. The lead character was named "Ginna," and perhaps because I have a friend, two sister-in-laws, and a niece all named "Gina" I couldn't help but constantly read the name as female.
For a fantasy story with magic, it lacked too much of both and had too much posturing and vocal threats from gods and demi-gods.
I bought this direct from the author on eBay. In part becaue I felt a little sorry for the guy (I couldn't shake the feeling that he was selling this stuff as part of his way of making a living), and in part because I remember reading his shorter works in the pulps back in the 70's and enjoying them.
Unfortunately I can't recommend it.
I think that witch needs a George Forman grill. That ought to make her happy.
Wow...always so nice to have an intelligent comment posted on a blog.
Consider leaving one next time.
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