New York -- ©2005 -- 652pp
ISBN: 0-439-78454-9
Illustrations by Mary Grandpre
In his sixth year at Hogwarts School for budding witches and wizards, Harry Potter learns more about his enemy, Voldemort, and watches a dear friend die.
This book, more than any of the others does NOT stand on it's own as an individual book. The whole purpose of this book seems to be a paving the way for the ultimate show-down between Harry and Voldemort, with a couple of possible surprises thrown in (surprises which are hinted at here).
The story-telling has kept us turning pages here, but the book,on whole, feels empty. The story is not a self-contained story (ala The Sorcerer's Stone), but rather the first part of a larger story.
I would not recommend this as an individual book, but would still recommend the series as an interesting and mostly enjoyable phenomenon.
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