Thunder's Mouth Press -- tpb
New York -- ©2006 -- 294pp
ISBN: 1-56025-841-1
I. Science Fiction
"In Paradise"
II. Fiction about Science
III. Fiction for Scientists
"Homo Sapiens Declared Extinct"
"Ivory Tower"
"Message Found in a Bottle"
IV. Architecture Fiction
"The Growthing"
V. Design Fiction
VI. Mainstream Fiction
VII. Cyberpunk to Ribofunk
"The Scab's Progress" (with Paul Di Filippo)
"Junk DNA" (with Rudy Rucker)
VIII. The Past Is a Future That Already Happened
"The Necropolis of Thebest"
"The Blemmye's Stratagem"
"The Denial"
I tend to rate Bruce Sterling as one of my favorite authors because he has a very unique voice ... something lacking in much sci-fi/fantasy (in my opinion). I know that when I pick up a Sterling book, it will be unlike anything else out there.
And of course it's no secret that I really enjoy short fiction. A short story or a one act play are personal favorites. To tell a story, efficiently and succinctly, is a challenge, and I enjoy being the voyeur into these efforts.
WIth that out, I must say that this collection is sorely lacking. Not all novelists are great short story writers, and not all short story authors can put together a great novel. Bruce Sterling is NOT a great short story writer. As I thumb through the book (it's been about a month since I read it, now), only one story stands out as being a memorable read. "Junk DNA" is unlike anything I've read -- really good stuff.
"User-Centric" takes a classic idea (telling a story through letters [this time, email:]) with a modern theme. It certainly reminds me of a 'Dilbert' cartoon.
But over-all, these stories are just fair. Nothing outstanding, nothing horrible. I'll stick to Bruce Sterling novels for the time being.
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