New York -- ©2008 -- 321pp
ISBN: 978-0-06-125677-6
An old diary, recovered from a dumpster by an ambitious young newspaper reporter, leads to a wonderful glimpse of history through the eyes of another ambitious, intelligent young girl.
What a wonderful discovery, this diary and this book.
Lily Koppel has done a magnificent job relating the story of Frances Wolfson to the reader, taking the intimate, personal notes of a private journal, and expanding on them through research.
And what a wonderful life, Frances Wolfson lives! The detail and intimacy, shared by a young teen who certainly never expects anyone to invade, is delightful. So many artistic types, male and female, can relate to so much of the anguish and longing for art and culture in their lives.
How fortuitous to find this journal of the young woman who managed to flit in some remarkable circles of distinguished personnel! To get such a personal account of some of these meetings really makes this book a rare gem.
Kudos to Koppel for the excellent work in finding and recognizing what she had and bringing it all together. And kudos to Frances, for a wonderful life, and her willingness to share.