Boston -- ©1969;1979 -- 157pp
ISBN: 0-8398-2505-6
In a post-holocaust world where the United States is divided into different nations, and the sky is filled with solid materials that rain down unexpectedly, a convicted criminal is enlisted to drive across the country from the nation of California to Boston to deliver an antiserum to fight the plague.
Zelazny knows how to tell a story and keep the reader interested.
It's been at least two decades since I first read this book, so decided that I really ought to read it again. I enjoyed the read, but upon reflection, decided that it really isn't much of a book. It's an adventure story, and we're pretty certain from the beginning that the "hero" will make it to the end, and so it becomes a story in which we read to see what is around each corner. It's rather fun to put the pieces together (Zelazny, more than any other writer that I can think of, starts a story in the middle and let's the reader make discoveries along the way) and to find new challeneges along with the main character. Still, nothing really "happens." A man drives across a devasted country.
Fun to read this Zelazny work again, but wouldn't recommend it as a first foray into reading Zelazny.